

市场营销处 & 战略沟通

Pioneering new technologies are enhancing the campus experience at the 圣安东尼奥学院 图书馆.  

自助结账的新服务已经准备就绪. SAC图书馆 TO-GO mobile app for Android and iPhone users can be loaded on smart phones now. And a 24-hour kiosk outside the library with access to books are some of the developments expected to be operational for the fall semester. 升级将提高学生的成功. The technologies are being used to give more equitable access to library resources, 简化体验,增加用户友好性. 

The advancements also put SAC on the leading edge of library technology in higher education.

“我们希望成为学术图书馆的未来,李·勒布朗说, 图书馆服务主任.

New self-checkout options make it easier for students to get the resources they need quickly and efficiently. 图书馆 staff recently completed the months-long process of adding RFID tags to each book in the library’s collection.

The tags allow users to check out five books at one time using the self-serve stations on each floor. 一个23英寸的触摸屏引导用户完成结账过程. Along with the self-checks is another live service running off of iPads: a help button which initiates a live call to a team member anywhere in the library. 如果读者需要帮助或只是对图书馆有一般性的疑问, 图书管理员可以立即做出回应.

在学术图书馆里,自助结帐和即时通讯是很少见的, 图书馆主管和研究服务馆员凯伦·布里尔说.

The advancements are similar to self-checkout in a retail environment, 勒布朗说.

“这就是我们试图以某种方式创造的体验,”李·勒布朗说. “我们希望尽可能做到无缝对接.”

图书馆用户还可以定位项目, check out books and manage their accounts using their smartphones through the new SAC 图书馆 TO-GO App, 可在Android和iPhone上使用. The app will help library users locate books, then scan those books from the palm of their hand. 一旦扫描通过应用程序, RFID标签失效, and the student can leave with their books without setting off monitoring detectors at the door.

The app also features an account status screen so library users can view their accounts and renew and reserve items on their phones.

SAC students and faculty will soon be able to access books 24-hours a day through a new self-serve kiosk in a covered, 在穆迪学习中心前面有一个完全无障碍的避难所. 随时图书馆拥有336本书,其中包括精选的教科书, 校园社区储备的新书和物品.

随时图书馆旋转木马.jpg书通过玻璃橱窗斜着陈列. 用户借书就像在百货公司或杂货店自检一样. 售货亭也接受退货.

这是, 如果不是第一次, 24-hour kiosk of browsable books seamlessly connected to the internal library technologies available at an academic library in Texas, Briere说.

库中的另一个新增功能是请求帮助的呼叫按钮. Each floor will include a service station that allows two-way communication to connect patrons with library staff.

“I wanted our staff to be untethered from the traditional service desk model,” 勒布朗说. “我希望我们的团队能够站起来和人们一起走, 和他们交谈, 当他们和他们一起旅行时,有一个转变的时刻吗. 它创造了更多的机会与人互动,并找到帮助的方法.”

Funding for the improvements came from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund from the Department of Education, 为应对疫情导致的学术需求而设立的联邦补助金.

The SAC 大学 Executive Team also provided funding to invest in new technology for the library.

Lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic closures have shaped how the library will operate going forward, 勒布朗说.

“恢复正常是不可能的. 我们必须面向未来,寻找新的运营方式。.

The library will soon offer a system to monitor the number of people on each floor. 有了这个特性, someone can see the occupancy of each floor live on the library website and decide how and when they want to visit.

“We asked ourselves how we can do things better so we never have to 关闭 again,” 勒布朗说. “Our goal is to provide access to library resources available anytime, anywhere, anyway.”   

The new technology is part of an upgrade to the library that includes new furnishings and improved working and learning spaces. 

SAC图书馆 包含150个以上,000 books on three floors within the Moody Learning Center and also includes computer workstations, 私人学习舱,小组空间足够大,学生家长 KidSpot家庭友好学习空间,以及学术服务 写作中心. The vision of the SAC 图书馆 is to become the future of academic libraries - and never stop.
